When the editors decided to present this View from K Street, it was assumed that in a newsletter focusing on federal employment law, the federal government’s role would be a preeminent factor. Yet, when we view the...

Jul 31, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions have fundamentally altered the role of religious standards as factors in providing general legal protections in the workplace. In Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Agnes Morrissey-Berru...

Jul 31, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

The U.S. Supreme Court’s blockbuster decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, extending the protections against discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to LGBTQ individuals, hasn't deterred a number...

Jul 31, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee approved the nomination of Craig E. Leen as inspector general (IG) for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on June 10, 2020, after a virtual hearing with...

Jun 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

In an unexpected move, the U.S. Supreme Court recently decided gay and transgender individuals enjoy the full protections of Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964. No more hodgepodge of state statutes In the 6-3 ruling...

Jun 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

The COVID-19 crisis shut down most of the country’s businesses and recreational venues. As the pandemic starts to ease, politicians have begun pushing to reopen the country. Accordingly, President Donald Trump has...

Apr 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Does anyone care when regulations get issued? Does anyone wonder why, in the midst of a pandemic, with thinned staffs and remote workers, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Environmental Protection Agency...

Apr 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Facing a docket filled with some of the most controversial and important cases to be decided in years, U.S. Supreme Court justices—in virtual hibernation because of the coronavirus pandemic—have elected to hear 10...

Apr 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Federal agencies continue to tackle the unique challenges the COVID-19 pandemic is causing for employers. Working remotely, agency leaders have had to change the way they carry out their missions. Often finding...

Apr 30, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

One of the mysteries of the Trump administration is its apparent disinterest in the work of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and its many sub-agencies, divisions, and multiple roles. DOL programs, policies, oversight...

Mar 31, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider

In the midst of countless distractions, from impeachment to the resulting recriminations, from White House firings to resignations, from presidential pardons to Democratic primary debates, Democrats in the U.S. House of...

Feb 29, 2020 · Federal Employment Law Insider