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Q: We have an employee with a severe food allergy. Can we ask all employees to refrain from bringing the specific food into the workplace? Should we ask the employee for a doctor’s note to verify the allergy? Generally...

Jun 30, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

People rely on all kinds of technology to get their work done. Zoom meetings, Slack messages, scheduling apps, and other tools keep the workplace humming. But at what point does all that tech do more harm than good? Can...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

With politics and economics seemingly working against employer efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workforce, many DEI proponents are worried about the future. And a recent report from a...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The European Union (EU) General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), adopted in 2016 and effective in 2018, was one of the first major pieces of data privacy legislation, and in many ways, it has set the standard for other...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California

For decades, standardized testing has been subject to attack for discriminatory bias and adverse impact against protected classes. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) 1978 Uniform Guidelines on Employee...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California

Readers of this column know that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was created to reflect the politics of the incumbent president. Each board member has staggered five-year terms, so every president gets to...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California

It’s been almost 40 years since the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that a hostile work environment can constitute sex discrimination and sexual harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal...

Jun 29, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California

As summer heats up, employers should keep a close eye on how heat affects their workforce. Heat-related illness is a hot topic for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as well as state OSHA...

Jun 15, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California · Great Lakes · New England

When you see the packages of strawberries in the produce department, you probably don’t consider whose employees grew, packaged, and shipped them. The court of appeal recently had to consider whether farmworkers work for...

Jun 15, 2023 · Employment Law Letter · California

“The full faith and credit of the United States.” It’s an awesome notion, one that has changed the world and made contemporary international finance and trade possible: a currency so reliable, so respected, that a...

Jun 01, 2023 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Acting Director Michele Hodge recently responded to questions from federal contractors on the use of AI in employment decisions. Hodge—who just recently became...

Jun 01, 2023 · Federal Employment Law Insider

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Vice Chair Jocelyn Samuels spoke to an employer association and covered a wide range of topics on which the commission is focused: The EEOC is working on additional guidance...

Jun 01, 2023 · Federal Employment Law Insider