One month to OFCCP contractor portal certification
By June 30, 2022, federal supply and service contractors with 100 or more employees are required to have registered and certified their establishment and maintenance of their affirmative action programs (AAPs). Although unresolved questions remain, the agency is finally answering some of the questions contractors have had since the portal opened.
Registration issues
As a result of the pandemic, the most recent EEO-1 reports the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) could use for its Contractor Portal was 2018 data filed in 2019. Contractors have struggled with whether to use the 2018 data or to update the data, which will require contractors to manually upload their establishments. In response to this question, the OFCCP provided the following FAQ answer:
- All supply and service contractors and subcontractors that fall under OFCCP’s jurisdiction should review and, if necessary, update their Parent Company Profile and information on individual establishments and functional/business units. This may include adding, updating, or closing establishments or functional/business units.
In addition, while the agency had initially indicated contractors could automatically upload their 2018 EEO-1 Report, most contractors have not been able to automatically upload their data. This has especially been a problem for contractors with Functional Affirmative Action Plans (FAAPs).