Home Employment Law Letter

As 2023 wound down, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by employers showed no sign of slowing down. Rather, you should prepare for an increased use and presence of AI in employment decision-making, as well as...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma

Employers often hear repeated recommendations to have detailed written policies and to ensure those policies are followed. Typically, you can overcome significant consequences by consistently enforcing your policies and...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming

I’ve previously written about the Rudy Giuliani defamation lawsuit and applicable lessons. The jury’s total verdict against Rudy G. was $148,000,000, including $75,000,00 in punitive damages—a whopper for sure. This is...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay overtime to nonexempt employees based on their regular pay rate and the number of hours worked in a workweek. While this sounds straightforward on paper...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for the chance to use the term “meatheads” in the title of an article? Thanks to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) age discrimination lawsuit against a moving...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma

As you look back on 2023 and ahead to 2024, there are so many compliance-related items to consider relating to your employee benefit plans. The rules you’re supposed to comply with keep growing and growing—they seem like...

Feb 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma

Beginning in 2024, both Washington and California will prohibit employers from basing hiring decisions on an applicant’s legal marijuana use. What is prohibited? Effective January 1, 2024, employers are prohibited from...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

Multiple new laws will take effect in Washington state beginning January 2024, bringing changes to the state’s minimum wage laws and adding requirements under the state’s Paid Sick Leave Law. Minimum wage increases at...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

It’s become a mantra resounding from more and more employers: Good help is hard to find. For years now, employers have bemoaned their inability to recruit and retain workers for the full range of employment, everything...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported recently that 12 billion working days are lost every year around the world to depression and anxiety. That results in 1 trillion U.S. dollars per year of lost productivity...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

The dynamics of decision making for deciding whether to send a discrimination lawsuit to a jury or to dismiss it beforehand can be a bit baffling. A recent case from Houston gave the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals a...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas

Some of you use arbitration to resolve workplace disputes with your employees or are considering it. Here are two recent cases from the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) interpreting the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and/or...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · New York · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is now in effect, and both the statute and the regulations require you to think differently about how you manage workplace issues surrounding pregnancy and issues related to...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota · West · Alaska · Arizona · Hawaii · Nevada · Oregon · Washington

A recent jury award out of Philadelphia got me thinking about reverse discrimination and a case from 2019. Although neither case is from Texas—and the 2019 case involves a university—the lessons are applicable in Texas...

Jan 01, 2024 · Employment Law Letter · Texas · Great Lakes · Illinois · Indiana · Michigan · Ohio · Wisconsin · Mid-Atlantic · Delaware · Maryland · New Jersey · Pennsylvania · Virginia · Midsouth · Kentucky · North Carolina · South Carolina · Tennessee · West Virginia · Midwest · Arkansas · Kansas · Missouri · Oklahoma · Mountain West · Colorado · Idaho · Montana · New Mexico · Utah · Wyoming · New England · Connecticut · Maine · Massachusetts · New Hampshire · Rhode Island · Vermont · Southeast · Alabama · Florida · Georgia · Louisiana · Mississippi · Upper Midwest · Iowa · Minnesota · Nebraska · North Dakota · South Dakota